Intuitive Leadership
with Heidi Hauer

THE PODCAST | Intuitive Leadership

For Women
of Impact

A Podcast that uncovers what it looks and feels like to bring health, happiness & true fulfilment along the road to professional success.

Heidi discusses the big and small questions of intentional living for the career-focused mind. She covers everything from leadership, purpose, success, empowerment to work-life balance, mindfulness and women’s holistic wellness.

Learn from female entrepreneurs, corporate professionals, creatives, wellbeing experts, and spiritual leaders about how to live with purpose and intention so you can feel your best while also having a positive impact in the world.

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EPISODE 051 | ENGLISH Heidi Hauer EPISODE 051 | ENGLISH Heidi Hauer

Financial Literacy and The Money Pocket Pay Gap with Dr Mara Harvey

Dr Mara Harvey served as Senior Wealth Manager at a prestigious Swiss bank and holds a doctorate in political economy from Fribourg University, as well as a degree in economic policy and economic metrics. She is also the author of a series of illustrated children’s books called ‘A Smart Way to Start’, which aims to teach young children and parents about money, ethics, and sustainability.

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EPISODE 042 | GERMAN Heidi Hauer EPISODE 042 | GERMAN Heidi Hauer

Conscious Investing mit Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger

Dr. Christin ter Braak-Forstinger, LL.M. ist die Gründerin und CEO von Chi Impact Capital, leidenschaftlich für eine regenerative und nachhaltige Wirtschaft ein. Sie promovierte an der Harvard Law School (summa cum laude), absolvierte ihr Masterstudium an der Duke Law School und studierte zuvor in Österreich Rechtswissenschaften und Betriebswirtschaft.

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EPISODE 040 | ENGLISH Heidi Hauer EPISODE 040 | ENGLISH Heidi Hauer

Why collagen is good for your skin with Dr. Vanessa Craig

Dr Vanessa Craig is a biomedical research doctor and founder of Formettā, a balanced, effective, and convenient daily collagen supplement. For over a decade, Vanessa actively researched how inflammation and environmental factors influence gene activity, and discovered how supplementing wisely could be the secret to improved health and graceful ageing.

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