While I champion a balanced lifestyle, I am equally passionate about translating wellbeing aspirations into practical, achievable choices that seamlessly fit into a demanding schedule.
Weisheit, Einsichten und Wissen
Meine Artikel sind sehr persönlich, weil sie aus meinen eigenen Erfahrungen entstanden sind. Jedes Thema, das ich behandle, ist mit der Reise meines persönlichen Wachstums verbunden. Von der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen des Lebens bis hin zum Feiern seiner Triumphe spiegelt mein Schreiben die Lektionen wider, die ich gelernt habe, und die Weisheit, die ich auf meinem Weg gewonnen habe.
Begleiten Sie mich, wenn ich weiterhin meine Geschichten, Einsichten und Überlegungen mit Ihnen teile. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf eine Reise der Selbstentdeckung und des Wachstums durch die Kraft der Worte gehen.
You can embody your soul’s purpose in your corporate job
‘Soul’ isn’t really a word or concept that gets spoken about a lot in the corporate world. And I understand why! Whether we like it or not, business is about, well… the business.
5 self-care rituals to elevate your day
Self-care sounds very easy in theory, but it's a real challenge for many people to put into practice. I observe this with my own clients, in people around me, and of course I remember the many years I struggled to truly look after myself.
How to switch off from work and enjoy the life you’re creating
While I champion a balanced lifestyle, I am equally passionate about translating wellbeing aspirations into practical, achievable choices that seamlessly fit into a demanding schedule.
How to deal with a narcissistic boss
While the term ‘narcissist’ has quickly woven itself into the language of popular culture, knowing how to deal with this antagonist personality can still hold a lot of confusion and misinformation.
How to get more from your limited time
What does the concept of time bring up for you? Do you lean towards feelings of joy connected to how you currently spend it, or feelings of anxiety regarding all the ways you believe you’re not using it ‘well’?
Why being lazy can actually help your create your dream life
Laziness is generally a pretty negatively charged word, and one that often creates quite a reaction within us. Consider how you responded to the title of this post. Curious? Dubious? A little (or a lot) annoyed?
How to ensure you age well – 5 powerful things to implement right now
What’s your relationship to getting older? This can be an uncomfortable reflection for many of us, and one that unravels so many other topics such as our relationship with time, our purpose and potential, beauty, death, productivity, physical health and so much more.
Why is forgiveness so hard? (and do I really need to do it?)
Wenn Sie sich mit persönlicher Weiterentwicklung beschäftigen, sind Sie sicher schon einmal auf die heilende Kraft der Vergebung gestossen: Vergeben kann ein wirksames Werkzeug für Heilung und das Ausschöpfen unseres vollen Potenzials sein.
While the term ‘narcissist’ has quickly woven itself into the language of popular culture, knowing how to deal with this antagonist personality can still hold a lot of confusion and misinformation.