Expertise and Experiences


A holistic health & personal coach for leaders who desire elevated wellbeing and professional success.

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“I’m dedicated to helping leaders achieve work/life balance, live with intention, and attain deeper levels of fulfilment. My vision is to empower my clients to make meaningful impact and illuminate the world with their unique brilliance.“

Featured in

Heidi Hauer, a holistic health coach, stands against a wall.

How does a successful media appearance by executives enhance the reputation and value of an organisation?

Long before remote management became ‘the new normal’, I managed pan-European projects and motivated international teams to collaborate successfully via video conferencing. My professional career took me to London, Brussels, Vienna and Zurich. I developed the ability to quickly build professional and personal networks, gain the trust of diverse teams and integrate seamlessly into new corporate cultures. Despite numerous challenges, my cosmopolitan life was rich in acquaintances and colourful in experiences. Like a racehorse, I worked in two gears: 'fast' or 'faster'. But suddenly my body demanded a break. A gastrointestinal disorder, leaky gut syndrome, forced me to rest and reflect. Exhausted in the hamster wheel, I realised how life in the fast lane combined with my own high expectations was getting to me. Having learned to function, I dragged myself through months of meeting marathons, always with the question in the back of my mind:

How can I strengthen my resources to not only survive in a demanding job, but to succeed calmly?

What began as a personal healing journey quickly developed into profound study. Numerous seminars and further training in nutrition, holistic health, meditation and mindfulness led to a fundamental lifestyle change. Surprisingly, I felt more energetic and powerful than ever before. Further career leaps followed. Today, I share this knowledge in lectures, mentoring and coaching journeys. Triggered by my health crisis, I soon asked myself what I wanted to use my valuable life energy for. Various coaching courses at internationally renowned institutes followed. Since 2020, I have been helping managers and teams to work more effectively, lead more mindfully and live more healthily at the same time. The question of meaning was not just about myself, but also about the bigger picture. Even as a student, long before “social entrepreneurship” and “impact investing” were common terms, I was concerned with the question:

How can economic activity have a positive impact on the well-being of the planet?

My thesis on corporate social responsibility marked the beginning of my interest in sustainability and the circular economy. Today, I am passionate about supporting individuals, teams and start-ups in finding their purpose and creating the most positive impact possible. I offer a platform for female founders, for example via my podcast or my salon events.

As a coach, consultant and mentor to leaders and teams, I live my professional fulfilment. With a deep understanding of the light and dark sides of professional leadership roles, I want to help shape a world in which success, well-being and sustainability can be lived alongside each other.

Heidi’s Story

Key Questions during Her Career

My professional development has always been at the center of my attention. Initially, I wanted to prove something to myself and the world. Later, the joy of self-realisation was a key driver. Today, I am primarily motivated by the desire to support purpose-driven leaders on their path to success and fulfilment. After studying economics in Vienna and training at the Diplomatic Academy, I took a look behind the scenes of the interplay between politics and business as a lobbyist in London and Brussels. The fascinating question for me was:

How can complex interrelationships and power-political networks be understood and influenced?

After years of working in the background, I finally took on a role on and off the stage. As spokesperson and head of corporate communications for listed companies, I was responsible for press conferences, major internal company events, wrote speeches for managing directors, built media relations and supported reorganisation processes in terms of communication. During this time, I refined my answer to this question:

Professional Expertise

CREDENTIALS & training

My path to intuitive leadership coaching has been a long but beautiful journey. I hold a Masters in Marketing from the University of Applied Sciences in Vienna and a Diploma from the Diplomatic Academy. In addition to two decades of leadership in corporate communications, I have completed the following professional coaching and holistic health qualifications:

  • 2020-21 | Coaching Certification Paris

    The INSEAD Coaching Certificate improves coaching effectiveness to coach individuals or groups.

    The programme draws on the expertise of the world-class INSEAD faculty and blends practical experience with academic input focusing on the art and practice of coaching in today’s globalised world.

  • 2017-18 | Holistic Health Coaching NYC

    IIN is the largest nutrition school in the world, and recognises that health is made up of much more than food, but includes a focus on career, physical activity, relationships and spirituality.

    The school has more than 100 world-class educators who are leading physicians, researchers, doctors, and nutrition experts at the forefront of the health and wellness movement.

  • 2015-16 | Resonance Coaching Vienna

    The Kutschera-Resonanz® method was established by Dr. Gundl Kutschera, a sociologist, psychotherapist and health psychologist.

    Its focus is to achieve a greater quality of life through nurturing harmony between ourselves and our environment.

    This includes creating work-life balance and developing true, authentic expression through our actions and choices.

  • 2014-15 | Nutrition Training Vienna

    This course offers profound knowledge into understanding the wider contexts that support healthy, sustainable lifestyles and nutrition.

    Special emphasis is placed on respectful consideration of the client's background in implementing current wellness trends as well as millennia-old traditions.

  • 2004-05 | Diplomatic Academy Vienna

    The Diplomatic Academy is the world’s oldest professional school, dedicated to preparing talented university graduates for international careers and positions of leadership in global businesses, public service, and international organisations.

    Training areas include international relations, political science, EU law, history, and languages.

  • 1999-03 | FHWien der WKW

    Austria’s leading University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication teaches the skills required to meet the challenges of the future.

    The focus lies on digitalization, business ethics and corporate governance.

Boldest Career Move

Following my intuition to start my business

Human Design

Generator, 6/3


Aries Sun, Virgo Moon, Cancer Rising

Guilty Pleasure

Watching other coaches on instagram

Secret Dream

Leading a luxurious retreat on a farmhouse in Ibiza

Favourite Leisure Activity

Exploring nature with my dog Koko

Media & Interviews

  • Emotional blind spots – how to stop avoiding your emotions

    Emotional blind spots – how to stop avoiding your emotions

  • Für Bossinnen: Interview mit Leadership Coach Heidi Hauer

    Für Bossinnen: Interview mit Leadership Coach Heidi Hauer

  • Porträt über Heidi im Magazin Brigitte

    Porträt über Heidi im Magazin Brigitte


Feel free to reach out for any inquiries about collaborations, speaking engagements, or just to say hello. It would be great to connect!