Insights And Inspiration FOR LEADERS
Inspiring resources
towards Intuitive Leadership
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Explore an array of inspiring resources focused on nurturing your wellbeing, discovering your purpose & evolving into an impactful leader. At the heart of all this content are The Journal and The Heidi Hauer Podcast, a show that uncovers what it looks and feels like to bring holistic health and true fulfilment on the road to professional success.
Articles on nurturing your wellbeing, finding your purpose, and becoming an impactful leader.
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Insights & Inspirationen direkt in Ihren Posteingang
Etwa einmal im Monat sende ich Ihnen Denkanstöße und wertvolle Ressourcen zu ausgewählten Themen, die Sie auf dem Weg zu Ihren Zielen im Leben und bei der Arbeit unterstützen.
the QUEENDOM within
Wouldn't it be wonderful (revolutionary!) to live in a world where all women felt empowered to be who they truly are? A world where women felt able and truly supported to pursue their dreams, without guilt or shame, but joy and inspiration?
In The Queendom Within, Heidi Hauer lays out a practical and explorative plan for women to reclaim their energy, rediscover who they are, decide what they want and take tangible steps towards it – with or without a romantic partner by their side.
‘Soul’ isn’t really a word or concept that gets spoken about a lot in the corporate world. And I understand why! Whether we like it or not, business is about, well… the business.