While I champion a balanced lifestyle, I am equally passionate about translating wellbeing aspirations into practical, achievable choices that seamlessly fit into a demanding schedule.
Weisheit, Einsichten und Wissen
Meine Artikel sind sehr persönlich, weil sie aus meinen eigenen Erfahrungen entstanden sind. Jedes Thema, das ich behandle, ist mit der Reise meines persönlichen Wachstums verbunden. Von der Bewältigung der Herausforderungen des Lebens bis hin zum Feiern seiner Triumphe spiegelt mein Schreiben die Lektionen wider, die ich gelernt habe, und die Weisheit, die ich auf meinem Weg gewonnen habe.
Begleiten Sie mich, wenn ich weiterhin meine Geschichten, Einsichten und Überlegungen mit Ihnen teile. Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam auf eine Reise der Selbstentdeckung und des Wachstums durch die Kraft der Worte gehen.
5 self-care rituals to elevate your day
Self-care sounds very easy in theory, but it's a real challenge for many people to put into practice. I observe this with my own clients, in people around me, and of course I remember the many years I struggled to truly look after myself.
How to ensure you age well – 5 powerful things to implement right now
What’s your relationship to getting older? This can be an uncomfortable reflection for many of us, and one that unravels so many other topics such as our relationship with time, our purpose and potential, beauty, death, productivity, physical health and so much more.
How to find joy in everyday life and experience bliss
Often, the idea of just being or relaxing is something that will only be considered once we’ve achieved a challenging goal or maybe completed our life’s work.
How to be calm in the midst of chaos: 3 helpful practices
Wenn uns die letzten Jahre eines gelehrt haben, dann, dass wir die äussere Welt nicht kontrollieren können. Doch sie haben uns auch gezeigt, dass wir sehr wohl die Kraft in uns tragen, schwierige Situationen positiv zu beeinflussen und dass wir es selbst in der Hand haben, wie wir – und ebenso die Menschen um uns herum – mit den Herausforderungen und Veränderungen des Lebens umgehen. Dazu gehört, sich die eigene innere Ruhe zu bewahren und in schwierigen Zeiten von persönlichem Chaos oder beruflichen Turbulenzen ruhig zu bleiben.
7 working from home tips to support your health and happiness
Since COVID, working from home has become a regular occurrence for many of us. Even with offices back open, flexible and home-working seems to be something that is sticking around – potentially for good! This is preferable for many people, but I also know that sticking to routines and wellbeing practices when working from home can bring up a new kind of struggle. Here are 7 tips to help you...
10 ways to radically improve your work-life balance
In my role as a coach, I work with career-focused high achievers who want and need to find a less stressful, healthier and more fulfilling way to reach success in and outside of work.
How to love your body by writing yourself a heartwarming love letter
Have you ever received a love letter? Try to remember how it made you feel. I’m guessing it was a moment of bliss, joy, thankfulness, excitement and no doubt a range of other positive emotions.
10 powerful practices to create a life-enhancing morning routine
The way you start your day has a huge impact on the way you finish it. Think about those times where you sleep through your alarm, skip breakfast, rush to get ready, miss the train, and forget something really important.
While the term ‘narcissist’ has quickly woven itself into the language of popular culture, knowing how to deal with this antagonist personality can still hold a lot of confusion and misinformation.