Why collagen is good for your skin with Dr. Vanessa Craig

Episode #040 | SEPTEMBER 2021

Why collagen is good for your skin with Dr. Vanessa Craig

The nutritional benefits of collagen have gained more and more attention in recent years, with many companies claiming to provide good sources of this important protein.

Here on the show is Dr. Vanessa Craig, who sheds light on the subject and explains the vision of Formetta – her collagen supplement business.

Dr. Craig comes from a research background, providing her with a unique and strong position from which to approach the world of health and wellness business. She is now based in Zurich, but is originally from Australia, having studied in Sydney, Stanford, and Basel.

As Dr. Craig shares helpful basic information on collagen she clears up various myths and contradictory information that is currently available. She explains why collagen is such a vital building block for a healthy body, and why supplements are probably the best way to get a steady supply of this important protein.

Later in the conversation we dive into the founding of her company. So for all this and much more from an inspiring person doing amazing things, listen in!

Note: If you are a client of mine you get a special discount on Formetta. Please contact me for further details.

Key points

01. The basics of collagen, its role in the body, where it is naturally found and the best and worst times for collagen absorption.

02. Collagen in our foods and its diminishing presence in most Western diets.

03. Why collagen supplementation is a necessary measure in the modern world.

04. Exploring and debunking a few common myths about collagen.

05. Why Dr. Craig believes sourcing collagen from animals is central to its efficacy.

06. The priority that Dr. Craig places on the highest quality ingredients in her products and what sets Formetta apart.

07. Difficult sustainability decisions that Dr. Craig made about the packaging of her supplement.

08. Living a long and healthful life; Dr. Craig's thoughts on ageing and her approach to preventative medicine.

09. Dr. Craig's inspiration behind starting Formetta, including its unexpected path.

10. Transitioning from the world of research into business; the biggest challenges that Dr. Craig has faced.

11. Approaches to motherhood and business – including advice for women about losing the fear of failure!

12. The morning rituals and daily routine that help Dr. Craig stay productive and focused.


“Collagen is actually the most abundant protein in our body, it makes up about 30% of our total protein composition, so that is quite substantial.”


“Those collagen-rich foods are incredibly important, but then we know that there are co-factors like vitamin C that are needed to build collagen in the body.”


“Our diet is collagen deficient, and collagen peptides are the best alternative to having collagen in your diet.”



Dr. Vanessa Craig

Dr Vanessa Craig is a biomedical research doctor and founder of Formettā, a balanced, effective, and convenient daily collagen supplement. For over a decade, Vanessa actively researched how inflammation and environmental factors influence gene activity, and discovered how supplementing wisely could be the secret to improved health and graceful ageing.

Heidi Hauer

Holistic Leadership Coach Heidi Hauer shows you how to use intuitive tools and access life-changing mindset shifts that support you in leading an abundant, meaningful and successful life.

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