Financial Literacy and The Money Pocket Pay Gap with Dr Mara Harvey

Episode #051 | JANUARY 2022

Financial Literacy and The Money Pocket Pay Gap with Dr Mara Harvey


'Pocket money' pay gap // Money messaging in the media // Women in finance // Confidence // Wellbeing at work // Wealth management // Talking about money // Mara's financial parenting books: A Smart Way to Start

Financial independence for women has changed considerably in the past century, but we still have a long way to go. This also holds true for the financial sector, where current levels of diversity and inclusion leave much to be desired.

Today’s guest, Dr Mara Harvey, served as Senior Wealth Manager at a prestigious Swiss bank and holds a doctorate in political economy from Fribourg University, as well as a degree in economic policy and economic metrics.

Mara is the author of a series of illustrated children’s books called ‘A Smart Way to Start’, which aims to teach young children and parents about money, ethics, and sustainability. She is passionately driven by two powerful causes: the need for true economic and gender equality for future generations, and for all of us, including children, to become educated on the impact that our financial decisions have on the world, including the Sustainable Development Goals as defined by the United Nations.

In my conversation with Mara, we discuss the creation of ‘A Smart Way to Start’, what she’s learned from working in the financial sector for over twenty years, and why we all need to be reminded of the devastating impact that decades of unequal pay have had and continue to have, on the wealth of women. Join us for an eye-opening conversation on sustainability, equality, and women in finance.


“All the biases that we see in the workplace are actually present in society, all around us. And they influence our children too, without us even really being conscious of how deep that bias goes, and how far-reaching it is.”

MARA HARVEY [0:02:12]

“Women have a strong tendency to save but not necessarily invest. They are less engaged in long-term financial investment decisions than men are. And very often they abdicate that long term decision making to their partners.”

MARA HARVEY [0:07:40]

“Women tend to believe that men are more knowledgeable about finance than they are. And there is research that proves this. But it's just a belief, there are no facts to endorse it.”

MARA HARVEY [0:07:40]





Dr Mara Harvey

Dr Mara Harvey served as Senior Wealth Manager at a prestigious Swiss bank and holds a doctorate in political economy from Fribourg University, as well as a degree in economic policy and economic metrics. She is also the author of a series of illustrated children’s books called ‘A Smart Way to Start’, which aims to teach young children and parents about money, ethics, and sustainability.


Heidi Hauer

Holistic Leadership Coach Heidi Hauer shows you how to use intuitive tools and access life-changing mindset shifts that support you in leading an abundant, meaningful and successful life.

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