You can embody your soul’s purpose in your corporate job



‘Soul’ isn’t really a word or concept that gets spoken about a lot in the corporate world. And I understand why! Whether we like it or not, business is about, well… the business. This means working together as a team to achieve the goals and values of the organisation, even if we don’t personally agree or completely align with what it is we’re working towards.


By Heidi Hauer

I am sure most of us have experienced a time where we value the jobs we hold more for the financial exchange or the ‘stepping stone’ they may offer towards something more desirable.

Maybe this is you right now, and you’re reading this post in the hope that something more fulfilling is available for you.

And of course, it is! Despite what we may have been conditioned to believe. There is no denying it, even if we don’t really love what we do, the security and success that work can offer can have an extremely powerful hold on us. But what does it mean to be secure when its feels like we’re crumbling on the inside? What does it mean to be successful when we’re consistently stressed or unable to actually enjoy our work, let alone have the time or energy to invest in all the other experiences and relationships that make life meaningful.

I bet this is something you’re already realising. So what’s the answer? What can we do to feel more satisfied and connected to our life and work without sacrificing everything in the process?

Let’s start with two fundamental principles:

You don’t have to leave the corporate world – unless you want to.

The stereotypical #LiveYourBestLife marketing may lead you to believe that everyone’s dream life means quitting any form office job, working for yourself or hustling to have a 6-figure business while working from your laptop in the sand.

If this is you, great! This is a beautiful dream. But I know for most people, it’s not. And most importantly, it doesn’t have to be. The ‘corporate world’ (aka any business or organisational work) can be an extremely fulfilling environment, and a deeply soulful place to be when you’re able to get into the right roles, experiences and mindset.


Every choice has sacrifices – it’s just about what you’re willing (and not willing) to miss out on.

The reality is that yes, changing jobs and doing something more fulfilling MAY require you to take a lower salary or step away from the prospect of a promotion that could be impressive on your CV. But this is not a fact, and certainly not something that will last forever.

We need to get out of the conditioned idea that we can’t get paid extremely well for doing work we love. But it’s also about recognising that everything has sacrifice, and working 60+ hours a week may have the most significant sacrifice at all – time, health, relationships, healing, and experiencing the wealth and magic of life that exists outside the office or our screens.

Becoming more ‘soul aligned’ doesn’t mean pretending that money and possessions have no impact or necessity in our life. It’s about getting clear on what we actually need in order to feel happy and secure.

How do we know the answer? We stop listening to our fear and ‘rational mind’ (that isn’t so rational once you widen the perspective!) and tune into the soul. This is how we start to live in alignment with our purpose. The steps are suspiciously simple for our egos that like to make things complicated! Know that while these steps are are simple to understand, they are more challenging to practice. But the result is more magnificent that we can often imagine.




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